TidyLabs: Stream Teams

Hey Everybody,
I am absolutely delighted to launch a brand new ALPHA feature to the DLive Community.
Please note: Alpha features are only currently available to ALPHA testers whilst in active development - read more

Stream Teams

What are Stream Teams?

Stream Teams are a group of streamers that either have the same interests such as Retro Games / Horror etc, or a group of like minded individuals who promote one another.
Each Stream Team created on TidyLabs will have it's very own URL to share with your community.  This Team Page will feature all the accepted members, show their online status, viewer count along with some Team Information across the top 🚀

Each Stream Team Page can be customised with the following:
  • Team Logo
  • Team Name
  • Team Description
  • Background Image

How can Stream Teams help my channel?

Stream Teams are a great way to promote and build your community.  DLive has one of the best Communities on any platform, and giving your viewers a Team Page shows other like minded streamers to watch when you are not streaming.
Stream Teams could also be created for Retro Gamers!  Imagine a page which showed a group of streamers who all play 1990's classics?

Who can set up a Stream Team?

TidyLabs gives anybody the chance to set up a stream team.  You can only create 1 stream team per TidyLabs account.

To create a Stream Team, Log in to TidyLabs, select "STREAM TEAM" on the left menu, and start the process.

Who can join my Stream Team?

You can invite up to 11 other members to join your Stream Team providing they have TidyLabs accounts by simple clicking "Add" on the Team Members section.  If you are experiencing errors when adding users, please ensure you have typed their username correctly - if a user has changed their display name and not updated their TidyLabs profile - they need to do this before adding them.

When you send an invite, the other user will need to log into TidyLabs, click on "Stream Teams" and then "Team Invites".  Users can then decide to Accept the Invitation, or Reject it.

Please note: Users are only able to join a maximum of 3 Stream Teams (excluding their own).

How I change my Team Page URL?

During the ALPHA stage of development, Team Page URL's can only be created when the team is made.  If you require a different URL, you would need to delete the Stream Team and create a new one (which also includes inviting all the members again).

Can I leave a Team / Kick a Member from the Team?

Yes, TidyLabs gives Team Owners the ability to remove members of the team from the "My Stream Team" page. 
Team Members can select the "Joined Teams" tab to remove themselves from a team.

What's further out?

This is the first release, and there are many features that I would like to add depending on how much this feature is used.
  • Social Media Links
  • Live chat of each Live channel
  • Discord Live Team Notifications 😲
  • Increase Member Count
  • Teams Homepage showing all the Teams Created, maybe a ranking?
  • Shorter Domain Name?

Let me know how you get on!

TidyLabs is built for the DLive Community so we can shape this feature together.  If you have any suggestions please shoot me a DM on Discord 💛


  1. Hi,I so happyness for your website and resources for help streamers in DLive. I'm from Brazil.
    Great,my friend !


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