TidyClips: New from TidyLabs

TidyClips - Make Clips from DLive.tv!

Hey everybody, I am really proud and pleased to announce the launch of a brand new project called TidyClips.  With my new website you can now make 10-20 second clips of your favourite streamers directly from https://clips.tidylabs.stream!

Chrome Extension + Firefox Extension

I have also written both a Chrome & Firefox Extension which will automatically add a "Clip" button in every live stream on DLive, making the whole process completely effortless.

Every clip made will viewable on the https://clips.tidylabs.stream website, along with every clip
ever made from that streamer!


TidyClips : https://clips.tidylabs.stream
Chrome Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tidyclips/okonkkgdopfpjoghnabgdjdengpaomgi?hl=en-GB&gl=GB
Firefox Extension : https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/tidyclips/
